I use the foundation, concealer and powder from Maybelline's "Fit me" products. I personally found it really hard to find my perfect match because there are only six different nuances. In general I have big difficulties with finding the perfect makeup because I've got extremely sensitive and really bright skin. But I'm really happy with the brightest colors.
1. Foundation
I rarely use foundation. I only use it when I have really bad skin days. There for this foundation is perfect. It doesn't feel too heavy on my skin but it covers up spots lightly. I wouldn't recommend you this foundation when you need a really good cover up. Sadly this foundation (even if it is the brightest color) is still slightly too dark for me. I wish we had a bigger range of nuances in Germany. I've seen that the American website has a bigger range of nuances and I hope when I go to America I might find the perfect colored foundation for my skin.
2. Powder

3. Concealer

Thank you for reading this and comment when you wanna share your thoughts about these products. Maybe you had similar experiences or you share a complete opposite opinion.